“Hello, Sara, after reading your shot blasting machine installation drawings and videos, we still have some questions to consult you. First,....”
I just received a phone call from Andrew yesterday, a customer in Australia, about the installation of the roller conveyor shot blasting machine. How to install this kind of machine, such as space arrangement, machine installation sequence, and so on, these may problems for many customers. Especially for customers who have not touched the shot blasting machine before, it is more difficult.
For a long time, customer feedback about shot blasting machine installation has prompted us to constantly update our installation manual. Therefore, we not only recorded detailed videos of the shot blasting machine installation, but also made clear marks for each part before shipment, and marked them on the drawings accordingly. However, some customers still had some minor incidents in the process of installing the machinery. But with the help of our engineers, things worked out and the shot blasting machine was installed successfully.
Roller conveyor shot blasting machine install video: https://youtu.be/dN1ka8MEs8U
Some small shot blasting machines, such as the tumble belt shot blasting machine, rotary table shot blasting machines, and floor shot blasters, are the basic small machinery in the shot blasting machine, the machine installation is very simple.
Some shot-blasting machines are with more blast wheels. Then we will make corresponding marks on the blast turbines, the shot blasting chamber, and the drawings. If there are several groups of blast wheels, we will make serial number marks in turn. At the same time, shot blast turbine, shot blasting chamber, and drawing three-phase check also can avoid the wrong installation.
At the same time, we are also equipped with the corresponding installation manual for complex circuit installation, which makes your installation simpler and faster.
Case Studies
No 377, Langyatai S Rd, Huangdao District, 266400, Qingdao City, China
No 377, Langyatai S Rd, Huangdao District, 266400, Qingdao City, China