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How to install and trail run hanger type shot blasting machine

Hanger type shot blasting machine is one of widely used shot blasting machine. Compared with some other types of shot blasting machine, this machine is easy to installation. We should pay attention to some points after we install and trail run the machine in your workshop:

1.    Check whether every parts of the machine are firmly connected.

2.    Should according to the install manual  lubricated the machine.

3.    Trail run the machine 2-4 hours without any workpieces.

4.    If no problems are found in the above, turn on the bucket elevator and screw conveyor and add 600kg steel shot to the machine. The steel shot will transport by elevator and screw conveyor to separator and finally stored in hoppers. When the abrasive valve is opened the steel shot will flow into the blasting turbines and then the workpieces to be cleaned up in the blasting chamber.

5.    When adjusting the blasting turbines, the position of the control cage should to be completely covered on the workpiece by steel shot. Other wise, the cleaning efficiency will be affected. The location of the control cage window can be adjusted according to the layout drawings. If necessary, you can put a plank with black ink on the position which the workpiece will be cleaned. Start the blasting turbines add a small amount of steel shot into the feed spout manually and check the position of the ejection zone. After adjusting the control cage can trail run the spinner hanger shot blasting equipment with workpieces. Via 30 minutes shot blasting added 400kg steel shot in the machine.

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Qinggong Machinery is a professional shot blasting machine and sand blasting machine manufacturer. We still insist on trail run and pre-assemble quality control to all productions before delivery. It not only can save customers cost but also can earn some more benefits for them as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about shot blasting machine and sandblasting room, please feel free to contact us.

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No 377, Langyatai S Rd, Huangdao District, 266400, Qingdao City, China