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Qinggong Shot Blasting Machine Industry

The Application of Shot Blasting Machine in Auto Industry

In the automobile industry, the Axle Parts, Bodywork, Brakes, Brakes, Gears, Steering, Suspension, Track, wheels, etc. need to be blasting or peening. But keeping the original appearance is the target of every manufacturer and shot blasting machine is the only option that will not damage the steel strength. Generally, most of the automobile components require different types of shot blasting machines for different components policing. In that case, you can choose from roller conveyor shot blasting machine, hanger shot blasting machine, tumble belt shot blasting machine, Continuous Overhead Rail Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine, etc.

Shot Blasting Machine in Auto Industry 1

Shot Blasting Machine in Auto Industry 2

Shot Blasting Machine in Auto Industry 3

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No 377, Langyatai S Rd, Huangdao District, 266400, Qingdao City, China