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Shot Blaster Working on Airport to Remove the Rubber| Floor Shot Blaster

In airport runway maintenance, a floor shot blaster is used to remove rubber deposits and contaminants.  The process involves closing the runway for safety checks and then using a shot blaster equipped with rotating blast wheels to propel abrasive media onto the surface.  This high-speed impact effectively dislodges rubber without harming the runway material.  A dust collection system collects the removed rubber, debris, and media.  Quality control inspections confirm runway safety, and a final cleanup collects any remaining abrasive media.  QINGGONG's floor shot blasting equipment for sale is an effective solution for rubber removal on airport runways because it can quickly and efficiently clean large areas while preserving the integrity of the underlying surface.




No 377, Langyatai S Rd, Huangdao District, 266400, Qingdao City, China