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Qinggong Shot Blasting Machine Industry

The Application of Tumble Belt Shot Blasting Machine in Foundry Industry

Shot blasting is used in almost every industry that uses metal. Especially in the foundry industry. Tumble belt shot blasting machine is a good choice for the foundry industry, it can be used to blast casts, forged and pressed parts, remodelled cold or hot, of various complicated forms, springs, etc. (weighing up to 20 kg and manufactured in smaller and large series, the volume of a particular filling may be up to 500 L, mass up to 1,000 kg), cleaning surface, removing casting sand and filings and consolidating the surface (micro handling), roughing the surface before colouring, etc.

Tumble Belt Shot Blasting Machine in Foundry Industry 1

Tumble Belt Shot Blasting Machine in Foundry Industry 2

Tumble Belt Shot Blasting Machine in Foundry Industry 3

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No 377, Langyatai S Rd, Huangdao District, 266400, Qingdao City, China