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Structure and Principle of Shot Blasting Machine Separator

At present, the blast sand purification device used on the shot blasting machine equipment mainly includes two categories: winnowing separator and magnetic separation separator. The winnowing separator is suitable when the density and content of impurities in the blast sand mixture are small, and at the same time The production cost of the winnowing separator is low, so it has been widely used. The magnetic separation separator is suitable for separating places with high impurity density in the pellets and sand mixture, and its separation effect is better than that of the air separation separator, and the separation effect can reach 99.5%. Especially when the impurity content in the pellet sand circulation system is greater than 10%, the advantage of the magnetic separator is more obvious.

The air separator of the shot blaster machine is mainly composed of three major parts: screw conveyor, sub-selection part and abrasive silo. According to the different structure, it is divided into full curtain separator and wall-mounted separator.

1. Full curtain type separator:

The full-curtain separator includes a cloth spiral, a pill-sand separation chamber and a pill-sand flow curtain forming mechanism. Its working principle is: the pill-sand mixture flowing from the elevator is formed by the cloth spiral to form a pill-sand flow curtain like a waterfall. The dust removal fan draws air through the tuyere of the separator, and uses the principle of gravity winnowing to effectively separate the steel shots from the metal oxide scale fragments, broken steel shots and dust in the flow curtain. Large particles of waste flow out of the separator shot overflow, and small The pellets and dust flow out from the waste outlet, and the abrasive enters the pellet bin for circulation. Among them, there is basically no difference between the cloth spiral and the pill sand separation grit blasting chamber, but there are many kinds of pill sand flow curtain forming mechanisms, which are divided into the following four situations in consideration of the use situation: ① manual weight type; ② manual internal curtain adjustment; ③ manual external Curtain adjustment; ④Automatic cylinder adjustment.

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2. Wall-mounted winnowing separator

The main components of the wall-mounted winnowing separator are shell, sieve plate, bulk material rod, etc. Compared with the flow-screen winnowing separator, the wall-mounted winnowing separator does not have auxiliary devices such as cloth spirals. Its working principle is: the projectile enters the separator from the hoist, and is roughly clothed by the adjusting plate during the downward process, forming a curtain of a certain thickness. The dust removal fan draws air through the tuyere of the separator, and uses the industrial shot blaster principle of gravity winnowing to effectively separate the projectiles from the metal oxide scale fragments, broken projectiles and dust in the flow curtain.

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No 377, Langyatai S Rd, Huangdao District, 266400, Qingdao City, China