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Development and Advantage of Shot Blasting Machine

Shot Blasting Machine adopts a kind of processing technology which impacts steel sand and steel shot on the surface of material object by high-speed shot blasting. Compared with other surface treatment technologies, it is faster and more effective, and can be partially retained or stamped casting process. In the 1930s, American companies produced the first shot blasting machine in the world. China's shot blasting machine production began in the 1950s, mainly imitating the technology of the former Soviet Union. Shot blasting machine refers to the casting equipment which uses high-speed projectile thrown by shot blaster to clean or strengthen the surface of castings. The shot blasting machine can also drop sand, remove core and clean the castings at the same time. In some areas, they are also called sandblasting machines and sandblasting machines orally.

Shot blasting machine can also be used to remove burrs, diaphragms and rust, which may affect the integrity, appearance, or definition of parts of an object. The shot blasting machine can also remove contaminants from the surface of a part of the coating, and provide a surface profile to increase the adhesion of the coating, so as to strengthen the workpiece.

Shot blasting machine is different from shot peening machine in that it is used to reduce the fatigue life of shot blasting machine parts and increase different surface stresses. It increases the strength of components or prevents fretting.




No 377, Langyatai S Rd, Huangdao District, 266400, Qingdao City, China