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Tricycle Frame Hanger Type Shot Blasting Machine

Tricycle frame hanger type shot blasting machine can remove rust, scale, burrs and other contaminants on the tricycle frame, to achieve the effect of renovation and reuse.

According to the production capacity, we have I type hook shot blasting machine and Y type hook shot blasting machine. I type with one hook, that needs some time to do loading and unloading work, can not continue to blast tricycle frame. Y type blasting machine with two hooks, when one hook with tricycle frame into blasting chamber to work, the worker can do loading or unloading job on another hook, can save time.

bicycle frame hanger type shot blasting machine

According to the size of the tricycle frame, we have a different size shot blasting machine solution, that with different quantity blast wheel. The engineering team uses a 3-D dynamic simulation design blast turbines layout to ensure that the steel shot ray can cover the surface of tricycle frame 360 degrees. Shot blasting chamber with Mn13 steel guard plate which has high impact toughness and high service life, fully realize the reflection function of abrasive and improve the cleaning quality. And our machine with third plate on the gap between the 2 plates below. That insure 10 years maintenance-free warranty to the blasting chamber.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in tricycle frame hanger shot blasting machine, me and our engineer team will be available for you all the time.

workpiece of bicycle frame hanger type shot blasting machine

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No 377, Langyatai S Rd, Huangdao District, 266400, Qingdao City, China