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Through Type Shot Blasting Machine Delivery to Shanxi

Qingdao Qinggong Machinery another big through type shot blasting machine deliveried to Shanxi this week.

Roller conveyor type shot blasting machine can continuously do the blasting work, it can process all kinds of work piece, like as steel sheet, profiles, steel beams, steel pipes and casting steel, etc.  It can blast cleaning these parts in a continuous way to remove the oxide skin.

This kind of automatic continuous blasting machine operation is very simple, you just need to press th estart button, and  then after a very short cycle time, the whole equipment will discharge the processed machine automatically. 

Qingdao Qinggong Machinery throught type blasting machine installed with our patented special heavy-duty blast wheel, this kind of blast wheel with a special double disc and large abrasive flow rate structure.

This kind of shot blasting machine can be integrated with a number of other actions, such as sawing, drilling, milling, painting and drying systems integration to provide customers a full set of equipment. Added chain and cross system transmission, can further increase productivity.




No 377, Langyatai S Rd, Huangdao District, 266400, Qingdao City, China