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Local Ventilation in Sandblasting Room

The sandblasting room (booth) must be equipped with local ventilation. The workers operate outside the sandblasting room (booth), and the sandblasting is carried out in an airtight room. The determination of the air volume is based on the principle that the dust can be removed and the surface of the parts can be seen clearly during the sandblasting work. Generally, the air volume can be calculated according to the wind speed of 0.3-0.7 m/s of the indoor cross-section area inside the sandblasting room (booth), and the cross-section area is determined by the direction of air flow. The airtight degree of sandblasting room (booth), nozzle size, sandblasting room size and other factors should be considered in the selection of cross-section wind speed. Generally, it adopts a smaller value of cross-section wind speed in large sandblasting room, while a bigger value in small sandblasting room. The approximate air volume is according to the inside volume of the sandblasting room (booth).

The dust extracted from the sandblasting room (booth) needs dust catching and cleansing before being emitted into the atmosphere. It should be avoided that the environment is polluted due to improper dedusting and the gas with dust enters other cabins of the workshop.

1. Local ventilation of grinding and polishing machine in sandblasting room

Large amounts of metal dust and fibrous dust are produced during grinding and polishing of metal parts, so it is necessary to set local sandblasting room ventilation for dedusting. It needs dust catching and cleansing before being emitted into the atmosphere.

2. Local ventilation of spray booth in sandblasting room

The painting of parts and components is generally carried out in the spray booth, so it is necessary to set up a local ventilation device with water filtration or dry filtration to prevent the painting mist from escaping from the working orifice to the indoor area.


The derusting and spraying painting of small parts can be carried out in a worktable or fume cupboard with local ventilation. The ventilation volume is calculated according to the wind speed of the air inlet working port section as 0.3 m/s.

The dip coating tank and trickle impregnation plate need local ventilation, and the mode can be side suction type or fume cupboard type.




No 377, Langyatai S Rd, Huangdao District, 266400, Qingdao City, China